What is holding you back from reaching your next level?
I was asked this question recently.
I answered: fear.
Fear of the result being even better than my vision.
Fear of not being able to hold that manifestation.
Fear of reaching something too big for me.
As I heard the words coming out of my mouth I realized I don’t feel worthy of my goals.
Yes, me too. I felt the exact same thing you are feeling right now. That contraction in the stomach, that silence, that… ufff now what?
Well, you know me by now. I’m a girl of action driven by growth.
So, after the initial shock, I thought: let’s shift that.
Let’s go and find the wound that’s been feeding this false belief of me not being worthy of something I can imagine, of something I’m creating, of something I work for every day. Let’s discover how I’m self-sabotaging and playing small.

Photo by: Natalia Perez @natspepa
As I’ve mentioned before (See: Honouring the phoenix within you), the greatest path to dissolve a block is by making it conscious. So, there is already great relief. Now that I know, I’m reprogramming myself by being super attentive to catch myself when having any thought or action related to that lack of self-worth. I’ve also gone deep to identify the root of that specific unworthiness and, let me say, it is laughable! It comes from an episode when was around 5 and an aunt said something that made me feel shameful about my dreams -I won’t write it in detail because it is a really good story and I prefer to keep it for the book :)…
So how am I catching myself? Well, I realized that I was tricking myself thinking that I was really focusing on the process and giving my very best. However, the truth is that I’ve been super anxious about the future, doubting the vision and taking random steps instead of actually doing that “ONE thing that will make everything else easier or unnecessary” Gary Keller.
(Big sigh)
I’m breaking the vision down into small simple steps and prioritizing them making sure to do the ONE thing every day. You see? Doing the smallest simplest but KEY steps. Instead of distracting myself from the fundamental by doing the smallest simplest unimportant steps.
This is taking me back to the road of confidence and trust (see: On confidence). This strategy helps a great deal to diminish the eagerness for the future, because I know I’m focusing on taking intentional aligned action and doing my level best.
Now, the icing in the cake on the cake: I’ve added an additional S to the equation. Sacred.
Small, Simple, Sacred, Steps. Ahh! By infusing what I do with gratitude, joy and service, it becomes sacred.
The 4S strategy is allowing me to move forward being happy in the now, while pulled by a vision for the future. Vishen Lakhiani, in The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, calls this a state of “Bending reality”, isn’t that a wonderful possibility?