How does the version of you, that lives your 2021 vision look like?

Aug 29, 2021

Here’s a proposal for your New Year’s resolutions and the exact method to thrive at achieving them.

I feel our New Year’s resolutions can’t be taken as “lightly” this year. My suggestion is to focus on our identity. To set up the goal of becoming the version of ourselves that is happy in the present moment, while pulled by meaningful and inspiring goals.

2020 proved loud and clear the illusion of control. How many things you held as certain, are you questioning now? I suspect that most of the reflection has been arround who you are, what you believe, what you want to keep, what you want to change, what you want to stop and leave.

Whether consciously or not, I bet there is no one reading these words who hasn’t had a major shift in perspective. Am I right?

If you look back to who you were in January 2020, do you think you’ve changed?

How about who you were in March 2020?

…in July?

… in October?

Hopefully, 2020 has us reassessing our priorities and shifting our attention from the things we lack to recognizing the many things that we have -those true blessings that we have been compltetly ignoring. I hope such revelations have pushed us to start living from our own truth (as we gain clarity on it), instead of from the exhausting race to fulfill outside expectations and imaginaries .

Photo: Amazonas 2020

Hopefully, 2020 has taught us that inner power is worth 1000 times more than any external power we can achieve. Hopefully, this year turned our attention inwards and has us asking ourselves:

Who do I want to be?

How do I want to live?

What are my true gifts? and,

How can I better share them with the world?

The person that you are, has brought you to where⁠ you are in this exact moment, but it won’t take you ⁠

to where you know/feel/envision you want to go next. ⁠ If you could reach that vision, staying just as you are, you would already be living it. Wouldn’t you?

You are deserving of becoming WHO you want to be and to live a life meaningful and true to you. Allowing ourselves this freedom, is the breath of life we all need.

So, here’s HOW you can go about crafting the New Year’s resolution of WHO you choose to be.

1. Start by answering the following question:

Who do I need to become ⁠for my vision (or something better) to take place?⁠

KEY: contemplate the qualities of character you want to cultivate (those you want to take on) and to develop ( those you admire in others and want to adopt). Reflect and write down how you can put those qualities into practice -to take aligned daily micro-actions to start becoming the person with such qualities.

2. Move on to these supporting questions:

  • What do I want to take on ⁠to 2021? ⁠
  • What/who contributes to WHO I want to become?
  • What/who am I willing to⁠ let GO of?
  • What beliefs no longer serve me?
  • What new beliefs do I want to replace them with?

Note: Make sure to write down the first answers that come to mind. These will be those that expand you, that come from your inner intention and that are true to you. Write them down before limiting beliefs and fears take control.

Darlings, if there is willingness, instant change is possible. It is one micro-step, one decision, one question away. And from there, step by step, that immediate change becomes incremental and when you least expect it, it becomes second nature (See: “What’s holding you back? The S4 strategy to move forward”).

Just imagine how our collective identity would evolve if we all decided to embrace life with such authentic courageous participation. Ahhh. What a dream!

See also: Corona Virus: What I choose “.

Karen Heshusius

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