We accept what we believe we are worthy of.
Rationally we may think we deserve more, we may even say it out loud, but if deep inside -often unconsciously- we believe we aren’t deserving of what we dream, we will inevitably settle for less.
This is for all types of love, not only romantic love.
That’s why when we unblock beliefs about what we deserve, something changes inside us and that is reflected in our choices, actions and in what we bring into our life.
We reach new limits to what we are willing to tolerate and that’s why our inner questioning becomes louder. That’s why we find the courage to make decisions and choices we hadn’t before.

Photo: Karen Heshusius, Japan 2018
If you feel you have fulfilling relationships and clear and healthy boundarieswith your partners, family, friends and colleagues. I’m so happy for you!
If, in any case, your inner questioning is getting louder, listen.
If you want to stop painful patterns, be aware of this and do the inner work you need to shift your outside reality.
Give yourself the love, recognition and care you want to receive.
Please go beyond these words we’ve heard incessantly and actually DO it.
Make sure you are mindful of your thoughts, words and actions towards yourself, every single day.
This repetitive self-care and self-love will bring great magic!
The neediness, the void wanted to be filled, the emptiness, the anxiety, the fear of being alone or abandoned will incrementally be dissolved.
Remember “we are walking each other home” (Ram Dass) and every relationship is an opportunity to bring you closer to who you are and to the wholeness and joy that we’ve forgotten to be our birthright.
Try it!