Looking for an end of year ritual?
We can continue asking and wishing for the same things and wait for some kind of external force to do the trick, or we can take the time to unblock and actually create them.
Of course, it is fun to write the wish list and burn it, to use inside out yellow underwear, run around the block with your passport etc. But that kind of thing will not be my answer to your request for an end of year ritual. I can’t just give you some fluffy thing that gives you no control over the results you expect.
What I’m sharing instead, is the ritual I’ve been doing as 2023 comes closer. I’ve been asking myself the following questions, and writing down the truest possible answers. I invite you to take this inner journey as well.
Here it goes:
What are you most proud of?
Look at the person you were at the start of the year and see yourself now. How have you changed?
I can assure you are different in many ways and I want you to focus on the small and big ways in which you have connected more to your authentic self. Look deeply and focus on your wins.
Think of the moments you expressed your truth; of the times you responded better to a situation you used to strongly react to; of qualities and gifts you discovered in yourself. Think of the limiting beliefs you are now aware of and that are more able to interrupt before they take hold of you. Think also of external goals you reached, the course you took, the place you traveled to, the project you created, the things you said NO to…
Include also what you are most grateful about the life that you’ve created for yourself.
List everything that comes to mind.
What were the biggest tests this year?
What were the biggest challenges you had to face? Go one by one each area of your life: relationships, financial, professional, health, peace of mind (relationship with yourself).
Which did you pass? i.e. what old patterns did you break free from?
What did you learn? How did you feel about yourself?
Which did you “fail”? i.e. what destructive or not useful patterns did you engage in?
What did you learn? How can you prevent these situations from repeating themselves in the future?
What beliefs and behaviors do you want to leave behind?
Make the list of everything that you’ve become aware of that is blocking you from experiencing life the way you desire to. Keep it in mind throughout the year.
What kind of person do you want to be by the end of 2023?
Allow yourself to dream. Connect with you highest, fearless, powerful self. See it in your mind’s eye and feel how being that YOU, feels like.
How can you start becoming that person right now?
What steps can you begin to take?
Not in January 1st, but right now. Yes, right NOW!
December 31st is a moment we collectively stop to reflect and wish, but consciously creating our lives is an every day option. Stop postponing yourself, put your energy into what truly matters to you and little by little start seeing the results of your intentions.
Maybe there are things you are not clear about. Perhaps you don’t know what is the next step in your relationship or for your business, or the job you want to do, the way in which you can bring more value into the world, or where you want to live… and that is ok. Clarity will come in the right timing if you are paying attention and open space for it. However, I believe you do know how you want to feel. Let that be your compass and choose the thoughts, the decisions, the ways, etc. that get you closer to feeling that way starting NOW.
Great! If you read and did the exercise, you can certainly see yourself more lovingly.
Do you need and extra boost to get clarity and courage? you can try the following:
- If you have the Breathe In App : https://apps.apple.com/co/story/id1576713608?l=en
Go to the Frog (“morning”) and do the Evolve meditation for a couple of days. You’ll see!
- If you don’t (or can’t because you don’t have an iPhone), then, you can buy the “Power Meditations Bundle” https://shareinnerlight.com/tienda/power-meditations-bundle/ where you have complete access to that same meditation -plus to other two which are super good too.
- Also, if you feel ready to go deeper, the unblocking sessions are a hit.
P.S. If you haven’t already done so, download for free and enjoy the e-book: How to achieve the habits you want?